James Kershaw
Carmody Insurance Services

Is your family fully protected?

Each individual, couple or business owner is their own unique entity. They are on their own journey filled with success and failure but they all share one basic tenet. They need financial protection for whatever life may throw their way. My role is to help you recognize these problems and help you plan for the "what if's" and when asked "what keeps you up at night worrying" you can say nothing.

Do you have an adequte life insurance program?

Is your income protected in the event you become disabled and are unable to work for several months?

Have you thought about the need for Long-Term Care?

If you are a business owner, do you have the most current retirement plan that puts the most money into your bucket?

Do you have a formal written "exit plan" to leave the business due to a disability, death or retirement?

Do you have a will? Do you have a Living Will, Health Care Proxies, Power of Attorney?

Without a will, you die "intestate" whereby the state decides who gets your hard earned assets. Is this what you want?

I often hear " I'm all set, got everything taken care of, my family knows what I want, my spouse will take care of things."

Are you one of these?

                                                What if you are wrong?





Carmody Insurance Services


171 Wilson Ave Rumford RI 02916



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